To open the payment window, call JavaScript SDK IMP.request_pay(param, callback).
In PC browsers, callback is invoked after calling IMP.request_pay(param, callback). In mobile browsers, the page is redirected to m_redirect_url.
Javascript SDK
pg : 'mobilians',
pay_method : 'phone',
merchant_uid : '{Merchant created Order ID}', // Example: order_no_0001
name : 'Order name: Test payment request',
amount : 14000,
buyer_email : '',
buyer_name : 'John Doe',
buyer_tel : '010-1234-5678', //required
buyer_addr : 'Shinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul',
buyer_postcode : '123-456',
m_redirect_url : '{Mobile only - URL to redirect to after payment approval}' // Example:
}, function(rsp) { // callback logic
//* ...Omitted... *//
Key parameter description
pg*** **string
PG code
If not specified and this is the only PG setting that exists, default PG is automatically set.
If there are multiple PG settings, set to mobilians.
pay_method*** **string
Payment method code
Payment method codes
card (credit card)
trans(instant account transfer)
phone(mobile micropayment)
merchant_uid*** **string
Order ID
Must be unique for each request.
Customer phone number
amount*** **integer
Payment amount
Must be an integer (not string)
To open non-authenticated payment window, specify the customer_uid parameter. After getting a billing key from this window, you can request payment using the billing key.
Javascript SDK
pg : 'mobilians',
pay_method : 'phone',
merchant_uid : '{Merchant created Order ID}', // Example: issue_billingkey_monthly_0001
name : 'Initial billing key request',
amount : 0, // For display purpose only (no payment approval).
customer_uid : '{Unique ID for the card (billing key)}', // Required (Example: gildong_0001_1234)
buyer_email: "",
buyer_name: "John Doe",
buyer_tel : '02-1234-1234',
m_redirect_url : '{redirect URL}' // Example: (for mobile only)
}, function(rsp) {
if ( rsp.success ) {
} else {
To request non-authenticated payment, you must set the MID info issued by KG Mobilians in the Admin console.
KG Mobilians does not process the payment when issuing the billing key even if you specify an amount.
Subsequent payments using the billing key must be for the same amount and on the same day as the initial payment on monthly basis.
Key parameter description
pg*** **string
PG code
If not specified and this is the only PG setting that exists, default PG is automatically set.
If there are multiple PG settings, set to mobilians.[MID].
customer_uid*** **string
Credit card billing key
Billing key to be mapped 1:1 with the user-entered credit card information.
amount*** **Integer
Payment amount
Amount to display in the payment window, but actual payment approval is not processed. (To request payment, use the REST API with the customer_uid.)\
Request payment with billing key (customer_uid)
After successfully getting the billing key, the billing key is stored on the i'mport server mapped 1:1 with the specified customer_uid. For security reasons, the server cannot directly access the billing key. Subsequent payments can be requested by calling the non-authenticated payment request REST API with the customer_uid as follows: