💻Generate payment URL
Learn about the payment URL generation API.
1. Overview
This document describes i'mport payment URL generation API specification. i'mport Merchants can use the service without any restrictions.
Payment API is exposed as REST web service.
HTTP Method : POST
Content-Type : application/json;charset=UTF-8
3. Description
Customers can access the generated payment URL to make a payment. It supports all payment methods supported by the PG. When the link expires, payment is no longer available.
4. Request message specification
Creates a payment URL.
HTTP Method : POST
Content-Type : Application.json;charset=UTF-8
Request Body
#Sample JSON request message
#Sample payment (bridge) page
Sample response URL page displayed when payment URL API request is successful.
5. Disabling payment URL
Append the last part of the response (shortenedUrl) URL to the payment URI API address and call it.
HTTP Method : PUT
For the following API response
"shortenedUrl": "https://dev.impay.link/4bdf239e"
Call the above payment URL to disable it.
Last updated