Manage admin & sub-merchant accounts

In the new Admin console, you can issue, manage, view, and delete the Admin account, as well as accounts issued with different permission levels under the merchant and sub-merchants.

i'mport Admin console accounts

  • Merchant Admin account (Admin): The Merchant Admin account that is created when a merchant signs up in the Admin console. This account has access to all features.

  • Merchant Manager account (Manager): The Merchant Admin account can create and issue this account. This account only has read-only access to merchant/account management and integration, but has full access to any other features.

  • Merchant Developer account (Dev): The Merchant Manager account can create and issue this account. This account has full access to the integration feature, only read-only access to merchant account management, and access to no other features.

  • Merchant User account (Read Only): The Merchant Manager account can create and issue this account. This account has read-only access to all features.

  • Sub-merchant Manager account (Manager): The Merchant Manager account or its Sub-merchant Manager account can create and issue this account. This account has access to all features of the sub-merchant, and read-only access to the Merchant Admin account and merchant's business information.

  • Sub-merchant User account (Read Only): The Merchant Admin account or its Sub-merchant Manager account can create and issue this account. This account has read-only access to all features of the sub-merchant.

Admin account management

Available menus/buttons are marked in blue.

  • The Admin account can create, issue, modify roles and information, and delete accounts under the merchant.

  • Non-admin accounts can only view the accounts under the merchant.

Merchant and sub-merchant accounts

  • Merchant: A business with a unique business registration number except for agencies that develop payment service for other merchants.

  • Sub-merchant: Merchants can manage and integrate payments through the Admin console by dividing its business by service, product line, region, etc. Such a division is defined as a sub-merchant.

    • Payment integration: The merchant can assign its payment methods and PGs to a specific sub-merchant from the Admin console.

    • Sub-merchant account: Sub-merchant accounts are limited to read-only access to features and payments associated with the sub-merchant.

Sub-merchant management

Merchant Admin account view

  • The Merchant Admin account can add and edit sub-merchants and create, edit, and delete accounts belonging to the sub-merchant.

Add/edit sub-merchant

  • To add a sub-merchant, enter the sub-merchant name, payment channel, service url, contact information, and tier code.

    • The payment channel is assigned through the online payment application, and it can be assigned to a merchant in payment integration.

    • A payment channel already assigned to another sub-merchant cannot be assigned.

    • To call the i'mport Payment SDK from the sub-merchant's URL, use the tier code and call (‘tier code’).

Add sub-merchant account

  • To add a sub-merchant account, enter the account ID, role (Manager/Read Only), and memo.

Non-admin account view

Last updated