⌨️Get payments API

Gets the details of payments by multiple imp_uids or merchant_uids.

Gets the details of payments by imp_uids or merchant_uids.

GET https://api.iamport.kr/payments

Example call /payments?imp_uid[]=imp_448280090638&imp_uid[]=imp_448280090639&merchant_uid[]=merchant_143434085216

Returns up to 100

Query Parameters

code * integer

Response code

0: success, Not 0: check the message

message * string

Response message

A non-zero code includes a message like 'Invalid payment info.

response (Array[PaymentAnnotation], optional)

code * integer

Response code

0: success, Not 0: check the message

message * string

Response message

A non-zero code includes a message like 'Invalid payment info.

imp_uid * string

i'mport payment transaction UID

merchant_uid * string

Order ID

pay_method * string

Payment method code

channel * string

Payment environment code

  • pc: (authenticated) PC

  • mobile: (authenticated) mobile

  • api: recurring or non-authenticated

pg_provider * string

PG code

emb_pg_provider * string

Hub-type PG code

pg_tid * string

PG transaction ID

pg_id * string


escrow boolean

Indicates an escrow payment

apply_num string

Credit card approval number

bank_code string

Bank code

bank_name string

Bank name

card_code string

Credit card code (KFTC Credit Card Codes: link )

card_name string

Credit card name

card_quota integer

Number of installments (0 means one-off)

card_number string

Masked credit card number

card_type string

Credit card type code

  • 0: credit

  • 1: check

vbank_code string

Virtual account bank code (refer to image below)

vbank_name string

Refund virtual account

vbank_holder string

Refund virtual account holder

vbank_date string

Refund virtual account expiration (UNIX timestamp)

vbank_issued_at string

Refund virtual account created at (UNIX timestamp)

name string

Product name

amount * integer

Order (payment) amount

cancel_amount integer

Cancelled amount

currency string


  • USD

  • KRW

  • EUR

buyer_name string

Customer name

buyer_email string

Customer email

buyer_tel string

Customer phone

buyer_addr string

Customer address

buyer_postcode string

Customer zip code

custom_data string

echo data as JSON string

user_agent string

UserAgent of the device where payment is initiated

status * string

Payment status code

  • ready

  • paid

  • cancelled

  • failed

started_at * string

Payment started at (UNIX timestamp)

paid_at * string

Payment completed at (UNIX timestamp)

failed_at * string

Payment failed at (UNIX timestamp)

cancelled_at * string

Payment cancelled at (UNIX timestamp)

fail_reason string

Reason for failure

cancel_reason string

Reason for cancellation

receipt_url string

Credit card receipt URL

cash_receipt_issued  boolean

Option to automatically issue cash receipt

customer_uid string

customer_uid related to the payment transaction

customer_uid_usage string

customer_uid use code

  • payment.scheduled: scheduled payment

  • payment: payment

  • issue: billing key issuance

cancel_history (Array[PaymentCancelAnnotation], optional):

Cancellation/partial cancellation history

cancel_history array []

pg_tid * string

PG cancellation transaction ID

amount * integer

Cancelled amount

cancelled_at * string

Cancelled at (UNIX timestamp)

reason * string

Reason for cancellation

receipt_url * string

Cancellation receipt URL. Availability varies by PG.

Response Model Schema
  "code": 0,
  "message": "string",
  "response": [
      "imp_uid": "string",
      "merchant_uid": "string",
      "pay_method": "string",
      "channel": "pc",
      "pg_provider": "string",
      "emb_pg_provider": "string",
      "pg_tid": "string",
      "pg_id": "string",
      "escrow": true,
      "apply_num": "string",
      "bank_code": "string",
      "bank_name": "string",
      "card_code": "string",
      "card_name": "string",
      "card_quota": 0,
      "card_number": "string",
      "card_type": "null",
      "vbank_code": "string",
      "vbank_name": "string",
      "vbank_num": "string",
      "vbank_holder": "string",
      "vbank_date": 0,
      "vbank_issued_at": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "amount": 0,
      "cancel_amount": 0,
      "currency": "string",
      "buyer_name": "string",
      "buyer_email": "string",
      "buyer_tel": "string",
      "buyer_addr": "string",
      "buyer_postcode": "string",
      "custom_data": "string",
      "user_agent": "string",
      "status": "ready",
      "started_at": 0,
      "paid_at": 0,
      "failed_at": 0,
      "cancelled_at": 0,
      "fail_reason": "string",
      "cancel_reason": "string",
      "receipt_url": "string",
      "cancel_history": [
          "pg_tid": "string",
          "amount": 0,
          "cancelled_at": 0,
          "reason": "string",
          "receipt_url": "string"
      "cancel_receipt_urls": [
      "cash_receipt_issued": true,
      "customer_uid": "string",
      "customer_uid_usage": "issue"

Last updated