💸Payment cancellation (refund)

Learn how to cancel a payment using the i'mport payment cancel API.

STEP 01. Request cancellation

Request a refund to the server with the required refund information. In the case of virtual account refund, you need to specify additional parameters for the refund deposit account information. The following example requests a refund with the required refund information.

<button onclick="cancelPay()">Request Refund</button>
  crossorigin="anonymous"></script><!-- jQuery CDN --->
  function cancelPay() {
      "url": "{URL to receive refund request}", // Example: http://www.myservice.com/payments/cancel
      "type": "POST",
      "contentType": "application/json",
      "data": JSON.stringify({
        "merchant_uid": "{Order ID}", // Example: ORD20180131-0000011
            "cancel_request_amount": 2000, // Refund amount
            "reason": "Testing payment refund" // Reason for the refund
            "refund_holder": "Jone Doe", // [required for virtual account refund] refund account holder's name
            "refund_bank": "88" // [required for virtual account refund] refund account bank code (e.g. Shinhan Bank is 88 for KG Inicis)
            "refund_account": "56211105948400" // [required for virtual account refund] refund account number
      "dataType": "json"

Sample refund button

STEP 02. Get payment information

Assume that there is a Payments table that stores payment information as follows:

/* ... model/payments.js ... */
  var mongoose = require('mongoose');
  var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
  var PaymentsSchema = new Schema({
    imp_uid: String, // i'mport unique ID (unique key for refund)
    merchant_uid: String, // order ID (used to query payment information)
    amount: { type: Number, default: 0 }, // Payment amount (for calculating refundable amount)
    cancel_amount: { type: Number, default: 0 }, // Total amount refunded (for calculating refundable amount)
  module.exports = mongoose.model('Payments', PaymentsSchema);

Query the payment information of the order from the Payments table using the order ID (merchant_uid) received from the client.

  /* ... Omitted ... */
  var Payments = require('./models/payments');
  app.post('/payments/cancel', async (req, res, next) => {
    try {
      /* Get access token */
      /* ... Omitted ... */
      /* Get payment information */
      const { body } = req;
      const { merchant_uid } = body; // Order ID from the client
      Payments.find({ merchant_uid }, async function(err, payment) { 
        if (err) {
          return res.json(err);
        const paymentData = payment[0]; // Save payment information
        /* Call i'mport REST API to request refund */
    } catch (error) {

STEP 03. Request refund to i'mport server

To request a refund, you must first get a REST API access token. Use the access token to call the i'mport cancel API to request a refund.

Note - Refunding mobile micropayments

  • If a refund is requested on a different month from when the payment is made, a full refund is not allowed. For example, a payment made on January 31st is not refundable on February 1st.

Setting parameters for refund request:

Refund unique key

Set imp_uid or merchant_uid as the unique key that identifies the transaction to be refunded. The value of imp_uid takes precedence, and if an invalid imp_uid value is entered, the refund request will fail regardless of the merchant_uid value.

Refund amount (amount)

Enter the refund amount. If amount is not specified, the full amount will be refunded.

Refundable amount (checksum)

Enter the refundable amount. For example, the checksum of a product that costs 10,000 won is 10,000. If this payment has been partially refunded for 1,000 won in the past, the checksum is 9000 for the subsequent refund request. The checksum is used to check whether the refundable amount is the same between the merchant server and the i'mport server. If they do not match, the refund request will fail. If the checksum is not specified, the verification is not performed.

Reason for entering checksum

checksum is not required, but it is recommended for comparing the refundable amount between the merchant server and the i'mport server.

For example, consider the case when a partial refund request of 1,000 won for a 10,000 won payment was completed on the i'mport server, but not on the merchant server due to a server or database error. In this case, the checksum of the i'mport server is changed to 9000, but that of the merchant server remains 10,000.

If you attempt to make a refund request with checksum(10000), the request will fail because the value does not match the checksum(9000) of the i'mport server.

The following example requests a refund.

  /* ... Omitted ... */
  app.post('/payments/cancel', async (req, res, next) => {
    try {
      /* Get access token */
      /* ... Omitted ... */
      /* Get payment information */
      const { body } = req;
      const { merchant_uid, reason, cancel_request_amount } = body; // Order ID from the client, reason for refund, refund amount
      Payments.find({ merchant_uid }, async function(err, payment) { 
        /* ... Omitted ... */
        const paymentData = payment[0]; // Save payment information
        const { imp_uid, amount, cancel_amount } = paymentData; // Get imp_uid, amount(paid amount), cancel_amount(total refund amount) from payment information
        const cancelableAmount = amount - cancel_amount; // Refundable amount (= paid amount - total refund amount)
        if (cancelableAmount <= 0) { // If refundable amount is 0
          return res.status(400).json({ message: "This order has already been fully refunded." });
        /* Call i'mport REST API to request refund */
        const getCancelData = await axios({
          url: "{URL to receive refund request}", // Example: http://www.myservice.com/payments/cancel
          method: "post",
          headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            "Authorization": access_token // Access token from i'mport server
          data: {
            reason, // Reason for refund from client
            imp_uid, // Unique key for refund
            amount: cancel_request_amount, // Requested refund amount
            checksum: cancelableAmount // [Recommended] refundable amount
        const { response } = getCancelData.data; // Refund result
        /* Save refund result */
    } catch (error) {

STEP 04. Save refund result

After the refund process is completed, save the result in the database as follows:

  /* ... Omitted ... */
  app.post('/payments/cancel', async (req, res, next) => {
    try {
      /* Get access token */
      /* ... Omitted ... */
      /* Get payment information */
      Payments.find({ merchant_uid }, async function(err, payment) { 
        /* ... Omitted ... */
        /* Call i'mport REST API to request refund */
        /* ... Omitted ... */
        const { response } = getCancelData.data; // Refund result
        /* Save refund result */
        const { merchant_uid } = response; // Get order info from refund response
        Payments.findOneAndUpdate({ merchant_uid }, response, { new: true }, function(err, payment) { // Get and update payment information for the order
          if (err) {
            return res.json(err);
          res.json(payment); // Return refund result to the client
    } catch (error) {

Note - When cancelling a payment

Even if a response code of 200 (OK) is returned for the REST API (POST https://api.iamport.kr/payments/cancel) request, a non-zero code in the response body means that the refund has failed. You can check the reason for the failure in the message of the body.

STEP 04. Handle response for refund request

Add the client-side logic to handle the response from the server as follows:

<button onclick="cancelPay()">Request Refund</button>
  crossorigin="anonymous"></script><!-- jQuery CDN --->
  function cancelPay() {
      /* ... Omitted ... */
    }).done(function(result) { // If refund is successful 
      alert("Refund successful");
    }).fail(function(error) { // If refund fails
      alert("Refund failed");

Last updated