⌨️Cancel barcode API

Cancels a convenience store barcode to block payment.

Cancels a convenience store barcode to block payment.

DELETE https://api.iamport.kr/cvs/{imp_uid}

You can cancel a barcode with pending payment to block payment for orders that cannot be fulfilled due to out of stock items etc.

Path Parameters




i'mport transaction ID

For convenience store payment

code * integer

Response code

0: success, Not 0: check the message

message * string

Response message

A non-zero code includes a message like 'Invalid payment info'.

response (PaymentAnnotation, optional)

Response code

0: success, Not 0: check the message

message * string

Response message

A non-zero code includes a message like 'Invalid payment info'.

pg_tid * string

PG cancellation transaction ID

amount * integer

Cancelled amount

cancelled_at * string

Cancelled at (UNIX timestamp)

reason * string(256)

Reason for cancellation

receipt_url * string(300)

Cancellation receipt URL. Availability varies by PG.

Response Model Schema
  "code": 0,
  "message": "string",
  "response": {
    "imp_uid": "string",
    "merchant_uid": "string",
    "pay_method": "string",
    "channel": "pc",
    "pg_provider": "string",
    "emb_pg_provider": "string",
    "pg_tid": "string",
    "pg_id": "string",
    "escrow": true,
    "apply_num": "string",
    "bank_code": "string",
    "bank_name": "string",
    "card_code": "string",
    "card_name": "string",
    "card_quota": 0,
    "card_number": "string",
    "card_type": "null",
    "vbank_code": "string",
    "vbank_name": "string",
    "vbank_num": "string",
    "vbank_holder": "string",
    "vbank_date": 0,
    "vbank_issued_at": 0,
    "name": "string",
    "amount": 0,
    "cancel_amount": 0,
    "currency": "string",
    "buyer_name": "string",
    "buyer_email": "string",
    "buyer_tel": "string",
    "buyer_addr": "string",
    "buyer_postcode": "string",
    "custom_data": "string",
    "user_agent": "string",
    "status": "ready",
    "started_at": 0,
    "paid_at": 0,
    "failed_at": 0,
    "cancelled_at": 0,
    "fail_reason": "string",
    "cancel_reason": "string",
    "receipt_url": "string",
    "cancel_history": [
        "pg_tid": "string",
        "amount": 0,
        "cancelled_at": 0,
        "reason": "string",
        "receipt_url": "string"
    "cancel_receipt_urls": [
    "cash_receipt_issued": true,
    "customer_uid": "string",
    "customer_uid_usage": "issue"

Last updated